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Monday, November 15, 2010

Omg!! Dermatitis!! Allergic!!

I've been doing my practical in Kuching Specialist Hospital, and now one and a month time passed in a eye-flicking-time. Still, I struggled hard to accomplish all the jobs as perfect (XD) as i can and was really careful not to cause and create any mistakes (but still).

As we worked in the Hospital lab, we needed gloves to protect ourselves from the harmful bacterials and harzadous blood. So I've been wearing gloves for more than 8x6x6=288 hours. Wow it's a long long period O.o

At first my hands tolerate well with the freaking light-powdered plastic gloves. It shows no sign of rashes, inflammations and itchiness. But tragedy!! happened after the second week. My hands start to feel itchy and inflamed seriously ><. Heat sensations kept on running through the back of my hands. Omg, skin sensitive visits me, again.

I was planning to go for the dermatologist but after thinking twice, I banned my decisions because I want to save the few pennies for my registration fees of my AUSMAT pre-U. But now the condition of my hands started to worsen, causing me feeling unwell every single day since I poked my little fingers into the glove. You should really appreciate for reading my posts, because I typed it with a really reddish swollen and old-man-looks-alike hands. ==

My friend, Sonya was suffering from the same problem as me. But after this November, she'll be leaving the place for her third semester. I envy her T_T, hahah! I was thinking to attach my hand's photo here. But due to the importance of leaving good images for all my good readers, I'll trying not to upload. JUST TRYING, who knows I'll upload it someday. XD

Ah it's late in the midnight (are me sure? it's only 10:41pm)and I should stop babbling here. All the best for me n Sonya's pity hands, god bless us. Good night all. Tomorrow will be a better day :3

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