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Monday, April 12, 2010

Starting my diet!!! hahaha XD

Days going on and my BMI is growing rather far away from the standard level.Please click on this link to calculate your own BMI http://caloriecount.about.com/cc/bmi.php More fats accumulated in my body. And i bet half of the cupboard of my clothes couldn't fit me more as well. In a conclusion, I WAS GETTING FATTER AND FATTER AND FATTER >.< >.< >.< now 64kg BMI=23.2 (it states that i'm healthy?? O.o but yet i'm still fat >.<)
So, to overcome this oncoming obesity problem of mine, i'll be starting to having diet. CONTROLLED DIET. Gosh how my easy life would be corrupted if i'll having diet. No KFC, no Sugarbun, no pizza, no soft drinks, no ice-cream, no bla bla bla life like this is no better than living in the hell. And when i announced that i'll starting to lose my weight, my friends and parents L.O.L of this healthy idea of mine =.= What the xxxx they doesn't believe me that i can do it!!! Even tell me that i won't stand this condition for even 3 days. T_T
So, since 3 days ago, i'm starting to do my diet.<3 And was successfully lasted until today! (4th day), the below were my dieting menus:

1st day
Breakfast-2 wholemeal biscuites
Lunch-Kueh tiaw
Dinner-Steamed fish+1/2 bowl rice

2nd day
Breakfast-2 wholemeal biscuits
Lunch-0% calorie japanese 'ju ruo'(dang hoon)
Dinner-Steamed vegetables with 1/2 bowl rice

3rd day
Breakfast-2 wholemeal biscuits
Lunch-No taking lunch

4th day (today)
Breakfast-2 wholemeal biscuits
Lunch-Steamed tofu
Dinner-Vegetable soup without rice <3

Yesh!! And i succesfully passed my day today, and i hope that i can continue this kinda healthy diet for my oncoming days. And when i really did it (weight lose), i'll pay RM17.20 for 2 hours Hartz Chicken =.= Just feel free to believe me ,i'll proof it :)


  1. it's quite a healthy diet...
    juz only lack of fruits...
    eat veges only x enough...
    fruits also need to eat too...^^
